The Fall 2021 Opening! Christmas Club FAQ
It's almost time for us to re-open the Christmas Club!
How do I join?
Make sure you're on my email list! (CLICK HERE)
Why only 500 spots?
So here we are, one year in, and we've planned this year with another 500 spots available.
I'm already a Christmas Club Member. Do I need to re-subscribe?
Are these really Christmas kits all year?
They may not always be traditional Christmas every month (we like to mix it up with different styles and colors), but they do all still have the Christmas theme.
Do we have to pay at the time of sign up?
Hi Carolyn, Yes, payment for your first month is due at sign up, and will reoccur each month following until you cancel.
Please put me on your waiting list to join the Christmas ornament club. I really hope I can get a slot. It’s already mid November!
Hi Kathy, I have made sure you’re on the waiting list but I did want to let you know we already had our club opening for this fall. You will be emailed when we reopen again but I’m sorry to say, we did just have this fall’s club opening a few weeks ago. Sometimes our emails land in the promotions folder of Gmail so just a heads up on that. Thanks.