Stars & Stripes Basic Star Ornament | OG Inspire

Welcome to my Ornament Girl Inspire Series!

These posts will take you only a few seconds to read. Each one will simply contain an ornament picture meant to inspire you & give you some new ideas. 

Today's ornament: a flag-striped Basic Star ornament.

Pattern Info: This ornament was made with the Basic Star Pattern (<-- you can learn this pattern FREE in my Basic Star Workshop).

Materials Info: Made on 3" Soft Foam Ball.

The blue fabric is Marble Stars by Moda, and the red striped fabric was from my stash.

I cut the striped fabric so that the stripes ran lengthwise through the rectangles.. that way once they were folded into triangles, the stripes would run out from the center of the star.

Happy Ornament-ing!

Staci Ann

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