freedom from farmville
I have been free from the shackles of Farmville for just about a month now, and though I have felt the pull of my pretty pink plow, tugging at me to plant more perfect little squares of toxic looking fruits and veggies in those first few difficult weeks, I think I am finally able to say that I am Farmville free! No longer will I plan my daily schedule around what time I need to harvest my artichokes! And from here on out, the only grapes I will be planting are the ones I can stomp into wine (REAL wine). I refuse to spend 20 minutes a day accepting “gifts” of honeybees and golden knomes, just because I simply couldn’t bring myself to let them expire (You just never know when you might need another rooster shaped salt shaker!) To my dog who ran away because I didn’t come back to feed him fast enough…enjoy the pound! Never again will I guiltily spend a real $5 just so I can rescue my withered pineapples and get that limited edition birthday sheep. Lonely lost party duck who wandered onto my farm while I was anxiously staring at my 98% grown pattypan squash? It’s time for you to find your own home! And until you can deposit some real hard cash into my online bank account, golden chicken, I am no longer enticed by all these shiny eggs you keep laying.
Here’s to a month of no Farmville…hooray!
(By the way, could someone go to my profile and click on my barn raising post? I only need 5 more clicks, and then I will finally be able to add 20 more chickens to my coop…thanks!)